I am happy to introduce myself as a registered art therapist for the past
twenty years.
Art was my major back in college in the United States and pottery was
my selected media and my profession while I was in Japan.
Close to 30 some years in art, I have acquired my own philosophy in life
through the practice of it.
My perception is that “the essential” of beauty, of life itself is skin
What surpasses the surface-a tangible illusion, has its strongest and deepest
presence in our life.
When I introduce myself both as a person and as an art therapist to you,
it is neither my art nor my credentials that I shall speak from but rather
my debilitated childhood asthma.
This ailment robbed my freedom and connection with the outside world.
Yet, musingly, other than having felt being imprisoned and lonely, the
experience itself awakened my senses to an internal world of a universal
empty space which I think you and I both share.
From this emptiness, I created my art and still continue to create.
This is the place where my heart is because the intangible, I believe,
where emptiness sits, is truly a heartfelt place where growth,beauty and
changes can be made possible.
Knowing this place, and feeling this place deeply, I became an art therapist.
Everything in life begins from emptiness, so is art therapy, and yet looking
inside of it,
I know for sure you will find art therapy truly begins with the unknowing.